Outline Your Speech
Often, you have little time to give a speech or presentation. In this case, you will want to outline your speech and use your impromptu speaking skills. Today, Beia shares the outlines for her previous speeches. Try to see if you can create a speech from her outlines.
Title: Prisoner of the Mind
Original speech date: January 23, 2017
Project: Competent Communication #6 (Vocal Variety)
How many of you ever meditated?
Next month going.
One of the greatest things I have ever done in my life. Attending for 5 years now as a student and a volunteer.
- The history/origins
- Goenka
- Global
- Donation based
- The 10 day courses
- The technique
- Benefits
- Total Liberation
- Its origins
Buddhist India to Burma then back to India 2,000 years old
- Goenka
Burmese business man
Looking for cure of migraine headaches
The goal: Purification of the mind and liberation and enlightenment
- The 10 day courses
Noble silence
Supportive atmosphere
- Vipassana
- Donation based
- Global
There are XX centers all over the world in XX continents. Many people travel to serve at centers in other states or abroad.
- Benefits
Unique to the individual. Noticed in myself and others a deep sense of gratitude and compassion. Not because we 'SHOULD' feel that way but because it becomes glaringly obvious, it is the most logical way, the most accurate. A desire to forge meaningful connections with others, an awareness of one's speech... to communicate with honesty and integrity.
The mind influences the body and the body influences the mind. Many find physical relief from physical ailments.
Sharper sensory perception
Master the mind rather than succumb to it
Calm perseverance in the face of challenges
Greater patience with others, less judgment
More developed back muscles
Title: What's Your Type?
Original speech date: February 6, 2017
Project: Competent Communication #8 (Get Comfortable with Visual Aids)
Familiar with personality types?
- Going to explain what they are, what my type is and how it has helped me to understand myself and others
- Myers-Briggs
- Jungian archetypes
- I/E, N/S, F/T, P/J
- I am INFP or INFJ
- Celebrities of same type
So a friend told me...
Fashion graphic design
Got my attention
Myers-Briggs / Jungian archetypes
I/E, N/S, F/T, P/J
Famous INFP's
Famous ESTJ's
Everyone has a place
Learn about self, and others who think differently than you